Varsity Scrimmage Tickets
The VARSITY team has their scrimmage at Durham County Stadium on Wednesday, 8/11 at 6 pm. Tickets will be $5 and you can purchase online. Parents Check your email They will accept cash at the gate as well. They are only opening the HOME side of the stadium which seats about 4,000 people.
Anyone can go to the scrimmage (there are no ticket restrictions other than the max capacity of the home stands at 4,000). Team Gear & Spirit Wear - Store CLOSES SUNDAY 8/8, Items from Store #1 Pick-up on Saturday This is your last chance to order from our final Team Store of the season. "Millbrook store #3" CLOSES ON SUNDAY. Click HERE to access the Team Store. Items purchased in this store may not be available until October. Store #1 items will be available for pickup on Saturday, 8/7, and at the kickoff event on 8/14.
Parents and Players can pick up their Store #1 items as players leave practice on SATURDAY (by the trailers and practice field) between 9:30-10:30 am
Volunteer Opportunities
We still need help with CONCESSIONS. Please CLICK HERE to sign up for CONCESSIONS. We ask each family to volunteer for at least 1-2 activities. JV volunteers for Varsity concessions and Varsity volunteers for JV concessions.
Field Cleanup, Kickoff Event & Silent Auction - Saturday 8/14
We will have our annual field cleanup, kickoff event, and silent auction next Saturday. More details will come early next week.
We expect VARSITY and JV players and families to participate in the field cleanup this year.
If you have silent auction items, please bring them to practice Friday or Saturday. I will be there at the end of practice both days to collect them. I will share a preliminary list of items for the auction on Monday.
At the kickoff event, we will begin collecting JV meal money ($80 per player) and the Senior Fee ($20)
The kickoff event includes our official parent meeting for the season