Team Gear & Spirit Wear - Online Store OPEN NOW
Millbrook Football will have 3 online stores available this year. Each store includes items for players and fans/families. Items ship to Millbrook after the store closes.
Store #1 - OPEN NOW through 4/30: CLICK HERE FOR STORE
Store #2 - Opens 5/23 and closes 6/30
Store #3 - Opens 7/24 and closes 8/7
It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you make your purchase during Store #1. It takes at least 4 weeks for the items to come in. If you wait for stores 2 & 3, you run the risk of longer delays with supply issues and backorders.
Team Gear & Spirit Wear FAQs:
What should I buy?
VARSITY: All varsity players should purchase a POLO if they don't already have one. Players should purchase a t-shirt and shorts (any style).
JV: All JV players should purchase a t-shirt and shorts (any style)
Additional items needed for the season (but you don't have to buy through our team store): Cleats (black, navy or white), white socks, girdle (we have a limited # that can be borrowed from the school if needed), mouthpiece Since I don't know if my son will make the team, should I wait to order? No. If you wait for tryouts (store #3) to make your purchase, items will NOT be back for the start of the season. If your child does not make the team, they will have Football spirit wear to support the team. We do NOT sell FOOTBALL gear at school or at the games.
How many t-shirts & shorts are needed?
One. Varsity will wear their polos every game day. JV & Varsity will wear their t-shirts & shorts to school or other Millbrook functions (e.g. community service). They also wear it to practice (though wearing it to practice is NOT required).
Who can order from this site?
Players, Parents, Family, Fans. The items will ship to Millbrook and will be given to the Player/Player Parent. If you are ordering for a grandparent, etc, please be sure to indicate the player's name on the order. When & where can I get my order?
Orders will be fulfilled once a store closes. It takes at least 4 weeks for the orders to come in (often longer). I will send an email to you when the orders come in. We will arrange a day/time/location to pick up the items from Millbrook.